Oscillating resonance

L. Polishchuk J. Polishchuk   OSCILLATING RESONANCE IN CELL SIGNALING AND MANAGEMENT (HYPOTHESIS)  Digest of International Internet Conference of the III International Scientific and Practical Forum (London, March 25 - April 5, 2018), pp. 124-125. ISBN 978-1-911354-37-6

http://www.potopalsky.kiev.ua/docs/pdf/materiali-2018.pdf - pp. 124-125.


Polishchuk Lev, researcher

Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Polischuk Yulia, student of the Faculty of Biology

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine


A hypothesis about the existence of a special oscillation-resonance cell-manager (ORM) is proposed, which by creating special oscillatory resonances controls the polypeptide-nucleic acid technological system (a polypeptide-nucleic acid technological system is a technological database written in a special code in the form of gene files on a DNA carrier which is implemented in a polypeptide interface through an RNA-based input-output device).

A hypothesis is proposed about the existence of a special oscillation-resonance cell manager (ORM), which by means of creating special oscillation resonances controls a polypeptide-nucleic technology system (a polypeptide-nucleic technology system is a technological database recorded with a special code in the form of gene files on DNA-a carrier that is implemented via the RNA-based I/O device in the polypeptide interface).

Keywords: oscillations, resonance, signaling, tertiary structure.

The tertiary structure of proteins has a shape characteristic of each of them, which clearly has specific resonant properties [1, 2]. These properties may be important both for the functioning of proteins and for their identification and control. But if this is so, and indeed, there are demanded resonant properties of bulk structures of polypeptide objects, then there must be a source of oscillations and their control, and, most likely, this should be a deliberate process of targeted generation of oscillation resonance aimed at each specific protein.
According to the logic of the hypothesis, proteins should be controlled by targeted generation of oscillatory resonance, which, should be able to determine the location of each protein by the characteristics of reflected oscillations and, generating oscillations of the required frequencies, create resonant “standing waves” at the required loci that stimulate located here proteins to perform their functions. The process of phosphorylation-dephosphorylation can be a mechanical source of protein vibrations [3]. And if, for example, for the long-range transmission of oscillatory processes by the membranes of neuron processes, special protein tools built into the membrane are used [4], then the oscillatory processes of the membranes of intracellular structures may well be generated and transmitted in other ways that have not yet been studied.
Of course, the hypothetical oscillatory-resonator cell manager (ORM) can presumably be realized on the basis of protein structures. However, another option is no less probable, in which it is implemented in a kind of “membrane firmware” of structurally related lipids. The second option looks even more relevant in the light of the reasoning that “Life is an active, situational oscillation-resonance model on a specialized lipid membrane, equipped with a polypeptide-nucleic technological system” [5]. According to this reasoning, a polypeptide-nucleic acid technological system is built from a highly advanced technological database, written with a special code in the form of gene-files on the DNA carrier, andwhich is implemented in a polypeptide interface through an RNA-based input-output device. ORM in this aspect is not even a static membrane structure, but a kind of dynamic formation from the resonant states of the membrane, from a complexly organized structure - many standing waves, which becomes a “subject” that controls the entire technological system with the help of oscillations modulated in frequency and amplitude and the creation of activating resonances in address structures.
If this hypothesis turned out to be correct, then the mechanisms of cellular signaling and control could be significantly supplemented and largely revised. For example, the attachment of a ligand to a chemokine receptor on a membrane, according to the logic of this hypothesis, is detected by the ORM immediately - by changing the resonance properties of the lipid raft. All other molecular processes that occur with the lipid raft after this are associated not so much with signaling as with receptor recycling and ensuring its performance. Another example is the dynamics of the cytoskeleton, presumably controlled by special modulated oscillations [6] in the polymerization-depolarization zones, which corresponds to the logic of this hypothesis.
It is possible that many special groups of proteins serve as ORM tools for searching for and activating-deactivating, or producing and utilizing various proteins in all sections of the cell’s technological systems.
What guides the ORM in its actions? It is possible that short signal polypeptides - various factors, hormones, cytokines, appearing on special sections of the membrane, specifically change the complex pattern of standing resonant waves, inducing ORM to perform the appropriate series of actions on certain proteins. The nucleolus, in this aspect, is a special device for reading short polypeptide molecules, or even just micro-RNA molecules that specifically modify the vibrational properties in the membrane that carries the ORM, acting as instructions for it.
Approximately the same, hypothetically, “instructions” from the intron regions of genes are used to control the splicing process.
It also logically follows from this hypothesis that viruses that have their own membrane are, in fact, much more “alive” than it seemed. After all, oscillations of the viral capsid membrane can hypothetically form their own ORM! It is possible that this circumstance actually underlies the antiviral effect of specific immunoglobulins and some substances (such as isatizone [7, 8]) that change or block the frequency characteristics of membrane oscillations of viral capsids. The same applies to bacteria, whose complexity is, in fact, much higher than “fits” in the form of a set of gene-files in their genome. ORM of bacteria and its inheritance by daughter cells may turn out to be no less important and complex than even the bacterial genome itself with its replication.
Of course, this hypothesis in the first approximation seems too speculative, too intuitive. But it has an important positive quality, which consists in the fact that its verification for the tools of modern science is already clearly quite possible! Confirmation of the correctness of this hypothesis could open up truly grandiose prospects for the development of molecular biology!
Thus, in the light of this hypothesis, life, having appeared sometime billions of years ago, is like a well-coordinated orchestra playing a very creative symphony of life continuously all these past billions of years.
It is interesting that the confirmation of this hypothesis could help to solve another important issue, which has also undoubtedly become possible for modern instrumental research methods. This question is spiritual: - Does… Consciousness fit in the territories of membrane resonances in lipid membranes, or these resonances are just a special connector for some external control subject - Soul, Spirit… And this question, apparently, can also be received specific answer!


1. Branden C. and Tooze J. “Introduction to Protein Structure” Garland Publishing, New York. 1990 and 1991.

2. Kyte, J. “Structure in Protein Chemistry.” Garland Publishing, New York. 1995.

3. Krebs E.G., Beavo J.A. Phosphorylation-dephosphorylation of enzymes.  Annu Rev Biochem. 1979;48:923-59.

4. Ehrenstein G., Lecar H. The Mechanism of Signal Transmission in Nerve Axons. Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering; Vol. 1:347-366

5. Polishchuk L. Life: the active situational model on the cell membrane, equipped with a polypeptide-nucleinic technology. IV Int Sci Conf “Ideological fundamentals and scientific evidence of intelligent design in the development of life and the universe”; Ostrog 2012; 5: 355-63.

6. Carlier M.F., Melki R., Pantaloni D., Hill T.L., Chen Y. (1987) Synchronous oscillations in microtubule polymerization. PNAS, V.84, P.5257-5261.

7. Kudriavtsev F.S., Solov’ev I.V., Korovin R.N., Shurchilov A.F., Effect of izatizon and OL-56 on the reproductive and transformational properties of Marek’s disease virus. Veterinaria. 1977;(2):45-6.

8. Болсунова О.І., Рибалко С.Л., Заїка Л.А., Потопальський А.І.   Вивчення механізмів дії препарату ізатізон на репаративну спроможність клітин при експериментальній герпетичній інфекції. //XIX Международная интернет-конференция “Ветеринарные, сельскохозяйственные, биологические, химические науки: состояние и перспективы развития в 21 веке”, 15-20 февраля 2012 http://gisap.eu/ru/node/5778

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