Collapses of civilizations - regression of creativity of thinking

It is well known that in the world of the living everything that is in demand and trains - develops, and that which is not in demand and does not train - regresses.

This applies to the organs and tissues of our bodies, to the skills of thinking, communication, nutrition and much more, but also to social institutions and large industries. And in a broader sense - to the development of biological species and entire ecological systems. “Demand” in different cases is demand, “social order”, “selection pressure” and so on. If this law of nature is applied in theory to our ability to think creatively, then the result is an unexpected logical conclusion, which is our very “starting point”.

The meaning of the argument is:

The creative intelligence of a biological species develops as long as it is in demand. With its help, a carefully developed global set of technological stereotypes and standards is created in all spheres of social life. But then, after achieving “World Harmony” and creating a “Welfare Society”, creative intelligence becomes unnecessary, is subjected to negative selection pressure and proceeds to regress.

After 30-50 thousand years, the hypothetical happy “World Empire”, which replaced the “Democracies”, becomes the world of “ants” with a narrow stereotypical mindset, under the strict control of despotism with the help of law enforcement agencies, where a return to the creative stage is almost impossible.

And after 200-300 thousand years, the changes are fixed genetically and the given biological species generally loses its creative intelligence, and “expedient activity” in this society is no different from the cooperative activity of the same social insects. This is no longer the mind, but its remnant - a relic. A relic of a reasonable paleocivilization.

Armed with such a logical premise, one can take a different look at our world, since something in it has signs of such “mind relics”, left over from manifestations of “creative intelligence” that arose and died out long ago.

These are the same public insects, represented by two such relics: - public hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants), which became public, according to various sources, from some point from 50 to 100 million years ago (the ancestor is a giant wasp) and

- termites that left their public relic from a certain point in the period from 120 to 200 million years ago (the ancestor is a giant cockroach).

Can claim to be a “relic of rationality” and

- the multicellularity of our organisms (it arose about one and a half billion years ago, the creator is a venodobiont large aerobic unicellular amoeboid, which built a very complex civilized community - a multicellular myxomycete organism).
Some terrestrial civilizations could not leave “relics” behind them - intestinal cavities, sponges (archaeocyates), marine polychaetes (trilobites), crustaceans, siphonophores, salps, cephalopods, pikayas and others.

Well, the question of how to achieve universal prosperity, therefore, is the question of how to kill civilization.

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